
Danguli takes us back to our childhood

Danguli by amriss
In this age of information technology, rural sports are on the way to disappear. Today’s boys and girls are hardly familiar with this game. They are addicted to mobile games and internet. They should be introduced to this game. The mood after school closed in December was a different feeling. From morning to afternoon, the game does not end. Our national game is hadudu.But Danguli is one of them.
Let’s go to a little history.
The history of the rise of danguli is very ancient. In the history of this game many ancient emperors and kings enjoyed this game. This game was very popular among children. It improves their recreation and physical education.
Danguli by amriss

Playing Moment

Danguli is one of the most popular rural games in Bangladesh and North India. Usually teenage boys play this game. In North India its name is Goli Danda. After the advent of cricket, its popularity has decreased a lot. In Bangladesh, the game is known as Dangbari, Gutbari, Tamdang, Vatadanda etc. depending on the region. There are two playing instruments –

a one and a half to two feet long stick (dang or danda)
The other is a ball which looks round in name but is not round, but is actually another small stick about two inches long with two ends.

Danguli by amriss

Danguli is a popular game in all parts of Bengal. It is mainly played by young boys; Girls don’t usually play danguli. It can be played in groups of two to five-six people. A stick one and a half cubits long and a stout stick of about one cubit are the playing instruments. The first is called Danda and the second is Guli or Futti. First a small hole is made in the Open field. One of the recipients of the donation puts a bullet over the hole and tries to drive it away with a stick. Opposing players stand around and try to scoop it up. If they succeed, the player is out, and if they fail to catch, they have to aim and throw at the stick placed over the hole. If touched he loses the donation, otherwise he picks it up with a stick and sends it away again. Then he started measuring from the bullet to the hole with a stick.
Regional names for up to seven sizes are: Bari, Duri, Tedi, Chaghal, Champa, Jhenk, Mek. There is one flower or cluster in seven such sizes and one red in seven flowers. Where the broken flower case ends, the next game begins. House, Duri, etc each mare has different method. One player can play until he is out, if he is out the second player will play in the same manner.
Even though the evening is approaching, the game is not over

Even though the evening is approaching, the game is not over

Rules of the game:

Hitting the pointed end of the bullet with a stick makes it jump. After that, in that leaping position, he had to be struck a second time with a stick and sent far away.

The Danger Point:

Accidents often occur when the bullet hits the eye. The sheer speed and sharp edge injuries after the second hit made the game accident-prone. Danguli or ball games were collected in many different times and regions. Somewhat specifically, danguli, or goli, were played in which one or more goals were made freely, and they aimed to place each other in institutional positions.
Danguli, or the game of goli, is now gaining popularity as a popular game in modern times. It is popular among children in general and it is used as their entertainment and physical activity through play. The game of danguli has now gained acceptance in various fields, such as:
Playing danguli in groups

Playing danguli in groups

In Schools and Educational Institutions: Danguli game is very popular among children playing in primary and secondary educational institutions. It is easy to discover in children and improves skills.

Children’s Game Competition:

Danguli game is used as a competitive game which is very popular among children in modern times. Various schools, clubs, and events organize danguli playing competitions, where children can stand and perform.


Many places hold danguli tournaments, where professional and non-professional danguli players participate.

Social and Cultural Events:

Sometimes danguli game is organized as a part of a social and cultural event, where people from different communities come together and share cultural experience through this game.
Playing Danguli in this different form is now being experienced in modern times as an entertaining and interesting game. In continuation of this Amriss is trying to present the old rural tradition sports to the present generation. For this purpose Amriss and another sub branch is Danguli.

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